
The Family Ministries Resource Book is an annual resource organized by the General Conference Family Ministries department with input from the world field to supply local churches around the world with resources for the special family emphasis weeks and Sabbaths. Within this Resource Book you will find sermon ideas, seminars, children’s stories as well as leadership resources, reprinted articles and book reviews to help facilitate these special days and other programs you may want to implement during the year.

Resource Book Surveys

Ackie Bio10

Leslie Ackie

Director Children, Family and Possibilities Ministries

Survival Guide for Families, Parenting and Families

The COVID-19 public health crisis has also become an emotional and spiritual challenge for countless individuals as well as marriage and family relationships around the world. This situation has provoked anxiety, stress, tension, grief and even spiritual uncertainty.

To help you intentionally use this time to build up your marriage and family relationships, Adventist Family Ministries has developed the COVID-19 Survival Guides for Marriage, Parenting, and Families. Each guide has more than 15 carefully selected messages about nurturing relationships, family worship, grief, safety in the home, hope and much more.The Family Ministries Resource Book is an annual resource organized by the General Conference Family Ministries department with input from the world field to supply local churches around the world with resources for the special family emphasis weeks and Sabbaths. Within this Resource Book you will find sermon ideas, seminars, children’s stories as well as leadership resources, reprinted articles and book reviews to help facilitate these special days and other programs you may want to implement during the year.

Real Family Talk

with Willie & Elaine Oliver

Through engaging, informative, and spiritual discussions about issues facing todayʼs families, Real Family Talk seeks to strengthen families and inspire hope. In each edition, the Olivers draw from their pastoral, educational, and counseling experience to navigate discussions about family life, approaching each topic with practical solutions and sound biblical principles.


Single Living

  • Grow Your Church Through Adventist Single Adult Ministries - Webinar by Dr Andrea Hicks

  • Whole in Jesus - Adventist Single Adult Ministries Sabbath Programme

  • Singles Ministry - Necessary or Non-Starter - by Annell Smith

    Training - Single Adult Ministries for Local Church Leaders

    This free certification course is designed to equip local church leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to lead out in Single Adult Ministries in their churches and communities. This course allows students to work at their own pace. It requires learners to watch videos, read Adventist Single Adult Ministries: A Training Program for Local Church Leaders, take quizzes, and perform independent study assignments.

    All learning activities are specifically designed to equip local Church leaders with the information and skills they need to strengthen families in their churches and communities. The course is facilitated by the NAD Family Ministries Department. Visit the Adventist Learning Community website for more details.