Back to the Altar

Back to the Altar is a landmark global appeal of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, calling all people into a daily personal worship time with God. Amid our busy, media-saturated lives, many of us are neglecting the essential communion with God that our hearts are desperately craving. We see it in mindless consumerism, in gaunt looks and hollowed stares, in restlessness and digital immersion, in quiet desperation and loud communication, in immorality and violence. Jesus, the very Son of God (Matthew 3:17), the Word of God in human flesh (John 1:1), prized personal moments of deep connection with His Father. When His disciples and others would go to bed, Jesus would go to pray (John 7:53-John 8:1; Mark 1:35). Back to the Altar is God’s call to emulate His son: To begin each day with Him, to walk each moment of the day with Him, and to end each day in Him. Wherever we answer this call, that place is our altar! To put it more simply, we must “Live at the altar” (Ellen G. White, 1T 169). Back to the Altar is for anyone who wants to know God, walk with Him, prepare for the soon return of His Son, and prepare others to do so as well! (Visit the Back to the Altar website)

Family Worship Resources

This book explores both the “why” and the “how” of intergenerational worship. It provides a simple history of worship through the Bible, an exploration of Jesus’ theology of childhood, and his own approach to intergenerational worship. It also contains many practical and creative ideas on how to plan inspiring, multi-sensory intergenerational worship.